*At Afya Bora Complete we have new and advanced technologies to serve our patients with accuracy and better results.
Dr Gebbet Tarimo is an experienced dental surgeon based at Afya Bora Complete Dentistry in Dar es Salaam (7 Regent Street, Mikocheni). He has worked as a dentist for over 15 years. His words: “I have been working in different settings, rural areas and urban areas, in some facilities with improved technologies in dentistry.
At Afya Bora Complete Dentistry we have very advanced technologies. Our concept of complete dentistry is to impact dentistry knowledge So that our clients can practise it for the health of the whole body. Our focus in complete dentistry includes analysis and review of all symptoms for total health.
Sometimes other conditions can be discovered that are related to oral health and others that are not directly related to oral health but affect the overall health of the person. There are many conditions that do manifest in the cavity before anywhere else in the body.
After findings, we do collaborate with other medical specialists to ensure our patient gets full treatment to experience overall better health.
We don’t just work to not only relieve the pain of dealing with one or two conditions that affect him/her but to look into complete dentistry health. It is a very important concept, and we need our clients to understand it. It is about ensuring the total health of a person -that is what Afya Bora Complete Dentistry is all about. And we have new and advanced technologies to serve our patients with accuracy and better results.”